Sunday, February 3, 2013


What is it and can I get me some!
Mental toughness is defined as- a collection of attributes that allows a person to preserver through difficult circumstances and situations.

I think that MENTAL TOUGHNESS is the confidence in your ability to perform at a high level in those tough situations.  You get that confidence from practice!  Yes I said practice, hours and hours, over and over those skills you need to be at your best when your best is needed.  In other words putting yourself in those tight and tough situations in your daily practice work outs.  Then the out come will become automatic or a muscle memory reaction.  Think of shooting a free shot with the game on the line, if you have practiced this shot hundreds of times (with consequences) then your chance of making this shot is greatly increased.
Why? Because you have put youself in the pressure cooker at every work out and practice session, every day, 3 dribbles-sight in the target-deep breath-slowly exhale-SWISH!

So now the question is can I get some or develop some mental toughness?
I think you already know my answer, YES!  Here are a few steps that I know will help you along the path to MENTAL TOUGHNESS.
1) When doing your individual work outs the must be GAME SHOTS-FROM GAME SPOTS-ALWAYS AT GAME SPEED
2) You must DEMAND more of yourslef, every day and in every drill.
3)You must CORRECTLY repeat the skill set you are working on over and over until it is an automatice response.
4) Put CONSEQUENCES on the out comes of your work outs.  If I don't make 85 out of a 100 free throws I will run, and then shoot another 100.
5)  Pay the price and get into the best SHAPE of your life.  Do extra to get there, so you can give your absolute best, when your best is needed. The more physical toughness you have the easier it will be to develop the MENTAL TOUGHNESS  you need.

Good luck get after and finish up strong.  Then this summer when your working out on your own, start to develop that MENTAL TOUGHNESS!!
Good Luck!

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