Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The Surgeon General has issued a severe WARNING!  The flu epidemic is just about over!  Brace yourself for a new epidemic!!
MARCH MADNESS, it is already started and it is starting to moving rapidly across the country.  Yes it is HIGHLY, I repeat HIGHLY contagous.  There is NO KNOWN CURE, and the is NO VACCINE for it.  Symptoms include but are not limited to, Yelling loudly at the big screen TV, jumping up and down on a buzzer beater, sittting on the couch for hours watching games,  taking your ipad to the bathroom to watch games, staying up way to late to watch games and phoning the office and letting them know how sick you are, and you can't make it in.  The SURGEON General expect this epidemic to beat at it peak this next week end stating that Thursday though Sunday will be the worst four days!
He also said that friends who have these and other symptoms seem to get better if they can stay together to watch the NCAA tourney and let this disease run its course.  Getting involved in brackets also seems to lessen the effects of this epidemic.  GOOD LUCK
Coach Joe Hillock

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